We are all invited to open houses, office parties and holiday dinners. Some of us are dragged! Here are some tips to turn those occasions into opportunities for success!
1. Skip the Party
Thinking of not attending? Think twice. Your presence is mandatory if you expect to attain or maintain visibility within your organization. If office parties are your idea of a root canal approach the party as a task that you will succeed at making into a worthwhile investment of your time.
2. Forget to Wear Your Smile and Make a Positive Impression
This is the time to make those around you feel comfortable and enjoy getting to know you. Appear approachable in your body language with good posture (no slouching!), eye contact and a warm smile. Appear relaxed even if you have to fake it, as no one wants to spend time with someone ill-at-ease or nervous. You participate in activities, devote time to hobbies, maybe you like sports and travel. You might even have attended the same school as someone you work with. This is the time to find out. Anyone will be delighted to learn that members of their team are actually multi-faceted human beings.
3. Drag Along Un-Invited Guests
Get a babysitter! Odds are great that your colleagues do not share in your delight for your children's company. It has become less common to have family members at parties due to budget cuts. Bring your spouse or partner if it is clear that is the expectation. Never make assumptions.
4. Make Assumptions About Who You Are Talking To
Are you certain of this person's position or alliances within the company? Probably not, so skip the gossip and negative comments of any kind. Prepare by reviewing a company directory in order know people's names and be ready for introductions
5. Wear Your "Cup Runneth Over" Cleavage or Your Tattered Harley Davidson T-Shirt
Despite encouragement from the executive suite that the office holiday party is a great time to "enjoy", "relax" and "just have fun," odds are that does not mean wear the clothes you are the most relaxed in or have the most fun in, be it skimpy tops, or the jeans you wore to the Blink 182 concert. Imagine how unsettling it is to see extra skin on the boss or cubicle buddy, or what an unprofessional lasting image those jeans left behind. And its an image not quickly forgotten when you are at your next quarterly revenue meeting requesting additional budget increases.
6. Get Drunk and Tell Your Boss How You REALLY Feel
Cocktails make for loose lips that sink ships! Watch your intake to insure your mind moves faster than your mouth. Abstinence for this party is a wise and risk free plan.
Anxiety is directly related to increased alcohol intake so if you must imbibe, just take a few sips, or water down your drink so it lasts a lot longer. As friendly as your boss is at the office party this is not the time to ask for a raise, mention a friend who is looking for a job, or offer your opinion about the lousy coffee provided the break room.
7. Limit Your Conversation to "Shop Talk"
You approach the Manager of Test, introduce yourself and then, well, what do you say? Guess what? He or she is probably is not hoping for an update on the project your team is in the thick of. If you like, you can keep the conversation work-related, just not specific to the current work you are doing: "Tell me about your career path in human resources..." or some favorites opening for these occasions: "What keeps you busy outside of work?" or "Tell me about your holiday plans...". People enjoy talking about themselves, especially when they perceive a genuine interest.
8. Mingle Only With Your Best Office Cronies
It is tempting to remain in your comfort zone, talking with the people you meet regularly within your department or enjoy lunch with a couple times a week. Instead, your company party may be the only time you have all year for a face to face conversation with the CEO. The office party is an opportunity to get to know new people and enjoy the chance for others to get to know you. Invest the effort in making sure the people who should know that you are there, know that you are there. Circle the room and say hello to your boss, her husband and other decision makers and executives. Push yourself and introduce yourself to people you don't know.
9. Leave Manners to the Etiquette Experts
If the invitation requires a RSVP, promptly respond either way; if the office party is being hosted at a home, bring a host/hostess gift; and even if the party is in a grand ballroom, thank your hosts or boss before you leave. If the boss is accompanied by his or her spouse do not wait to be "properly introduced" or you will be taken for a snob. Treat the service people as you would members of your family with graciousness and kindness. And do not be the last to leave a party, you do not want to be remembered as the last person to take leave of the party.
10. Assume People Will Forget Your Blunder
So, you stepped in it. You insisted that children in private schools gained a far better education. You expressed your disgust with those that purchase foreign cars rather than American made and she's drives a BMW. You shared an anecdote that is inappropriate. Now make amends. Apologize. Let your boss or team mate know what happened before they hear it through the grapevine. Get out in front of the problem. The mistake might not matter as much as how you handle what comes after it, experts say. So deal with it and move on.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Denver Post - Are Social Media Making Us Tone Deaf?
The Denver Post this week published an interesting article, which featured some local communication experts weighing in on the social media's effect on communication. This is a very relevant topic in today's digitally-dominated communication world, so take note.
Are Social Media Making Us Tone Deaf?
By Sheba R. Wheeler
How many different ways could a person go wrong with a Facebook status update like this one:
"At the doctor's office. Hope everything is OK."
Within minutes a response pops up from one friend — and another and another: "OMG. What's wrong????"
When she read this post, Denver author Debra Fine feared her sister was seriously ill and started to panic. A few minutes later, Fine's sister replied again on Facebook:
"What do you mean what's wrong? I'm just here for my physical."
"My sister was spouting thoughts that had no nuance, no volume, no tone, no pacing. This is definitely an example of how not to communicate through social media," says Fine, author of the "The Fine Art of Small Talk" (Small Talk Publishers, $12.95). She's completing the research on her third book, "When Texting Is Not an Option."
Despite all the ways we have to stay connected — from texting to tweeting to talking — people still have a hard time figuring out when it's best to communicate through e-mails, phone calls or face to face. Each type of interaction has its pros and cons. But immediacy and lack of foresight often lead to carelessness that can come back to bite the sender.
Tiger Woods' infidelity was chronicled on alleged text messages shared with his numerous mistresses. And Kimberly Swann of Essex, England, made international news last year when she was fired after she said her office job was "boring" on her Facebook page.
"When you are talking to someone in person, you can smooth things over," Fine says. "But when something is texted, e-mailed, blogged or posted on a social networking site, that becomes concrete language that someone can use as evidence."
Fine used to work as an engineer. But her desire to learn better conversational skills kick-started her second career. She now teaches those skills to others in seminars, workshops and speeches.
Technology can enhance relationships if used correctly, she says. It can be used to stay in touch, set up appointments and have more meaningful conversations because frequent online posts keep everyone updated on life happenings.
The downside is harsher and hastier communication that can be easily misconstrued when people inappropriately use Facebook, e-mail, Twitter or instant messaging. People tend to be more demanding, gossipy and duplicitous while at the same time being less mindful of the needs and feelings of others.
You have to take the time to figure out exactly what is being communicated and then decide which vehicle will best help you get the result you want.
Confidential or intimate information shouldn't be shared on social-networking sites, Fine says. That includes breaking up with someone, delivering bad news, or dealing with personnel or financial matters. Opt for face-to-face.
"One of my clients told me she has received every single evaluation, assignment and discussion about upcoming meetings from her immediate supervisor via e-mail," says Sandra Lamb, the Denver author of "How to Write It," which includes a chapter on e-mail, electronic and online communication.
When something needs to be negotiated, explained or an immediate answer is needed, use the telephone, Lamb says. Use e-mail to give or request information. Use a conference call when dealing with multiple recipients to avoid the trap of forwarding e-mails back and forth.
Pause before you send
Think through what you are posting or forwarding and consider how it might be interpreted. Remember that people tend to see things in a negative light unless it's otherwise clarified, so the possibility of miscommunication rests on the person who pushes the send button, Lamb says.
"We are all very sensitive, and when a statement is made, we are looking for how we should interpret it," Lamb says. "In order to live in this new environment, we need to be more thick-skinned and ask for interpretations. Respond to an e-mail or post and ask what something means or if it was code for something else."
People also get tripped up about when it's wise to switch modes of communication, says Will Schwalbe, who with David Shipley co-wrote "Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better" (Vintage Books, $14.95).
The default is often to communicate back in the same manner someone contacted you, but that is often a mistake, Schwalbe says. It's why a little tiff on e-mail can turn into a flame war.
"If someone sends you an e-mail that makes you furious, absolutely do not reply by e-mail," he says. "Pick up the phone, because if you reply by e-mail you will amp up the hostility level."
Similarly, call someone immediately if they are upset about a poorly worded e-mail or text that you have written.
If you are spending too much time with back-and- forth e-mails trying to get something explained, call or meet face-to-face, Schwalbe says.
Steer clear of sarcasm in your posts, because studies have shown that for every 10 sarcastic messages that are sent, at least one person won't get it and will take it at face value. Petulance or rage should also be avoided in tweets, in Facebook status updates, text and instant messaging because all those types of communication can be forwarded and saved.
Schwalbe is a big fan of using exclamation points in his electronic communications to convey his excitement. But he stays away from asking questions because they are often taken as criticisms in e-mails.
And the best advice for communicating? Cut each other some slack. A decade ago, few people were e-mailing. Now we communicate electronically hundreds of times a day. Mistakes are bound to happen.
"We may ruin relationships or burn a bridge without realizing it at all," Schwalbe says. "Be more thoughtful about the way we communicate with each other and take the extra minute to do it better. Then be more forgiving of people who don't do it so well."
Are Social Media Making Us Tone Deaf?
By Sheba R. Wheeler
How many different ways could a person go wrong with a Facebook status update like this one:
"At the doctor's office. Hope everything is OK."
Within minutes a response pops up from one friend — and another and another: "OMG. What's wrong????"
When she read this post, Denver author Debra Fine feared her sister was seriously ill and started to panic. A few minutes later, Fine's sister replied again on Facebook:
"What do you mean what's wrong? I'm just here for my physical."
"My sister was spouting thoughts that had no nuance, no volume, no tone, no pacing. This is definitely an example of how not to communicate through social media," says Fine, author of the "The Fine Art of Small Talk" (Small Talk Publishers, $12.95). She's completing the research on her third book, "When Texting Is Not an Option."
Despite all the ways we have to stay connected — from texting to tweeting to talking — people still have a hard time figuring out when it's best to communicate through e-mails, phone calls or face to face. Each type of interaction has its pros and cons. But immediacy and lack of foresight often lead to carelessness that can come back to bite the sender.
Tiger Woods' infidelity was chronicled on alleged text messages shared with his numerous mistresses. And Kimberly Swann of Essex, England, made international news last year when she was fired after she said her office job was "boring" on her Facebook page.
"When you are talking to someone in person, you can smooth things over," Fine says. "But when something is texted, e-mailed, blogged or posted on a social networking site, that becomes concrete language that someone can use as evidence."
Fine used to work as an engineer. But her desire to learn better conversational skills kick-started her second career. She now teaches those skills to others in seminars, workshops and speeches.
Technology can enhance relationships if used correctly, she says. It can be used to stay in touch, set up appointments and have more meaningful conversations because frequent online posts keep everyone updated on life happenings.
The downside is harsher and hastier communication that can be easily misconstrued when people inappropriately use Facebook, e-mail, Twitter or instant messaging. People tend to be more demanding, gossipy and duplicitous while at the same time being less mindful of the needs and feelings of others.
You have to take the time to figure out exactly what is being communicated and then decide which vehicle will best help you get the result you want.
Confidential or intimate information shouldn't be shared on social-networking sites, Fine says. That includes breaking up with someone, delivering bad news, or dealing with personnel or financial matters. Opt for face-to-face.
"One of my clients told me she has received every single evaluation, assignment and discussion about upcoming meetings from her immediate supervisor via e-mail," says Sandra Lamb, the Denver author of "How to Write It," which includes a chapter on e-mail, electronic and online communication.
When something needs to be negotiated, explained or an immediate answer is needed, use the telephone, Lamb says. Use e-mail to give or request information. Use a conference call when dealing with multiple recipients to avoid the trap of forwarding e-mails back and forth.
Pause before you send
Think through what you are posting or forwarding and consider how it might be interpreted. Remember that people tend to see things in a negative light unless it's otherwise clarified, so the possibility of miscommunication rests on the person who pushes the send button, Lamb says.
"We are all very sensitive, and when a statement is made, we are looking for how we should interpret it," Lamb says. "In order to live in this new environment, we need to be more thick-skinned and ask for interpretations. Respond to an e-mail or post and ask what something means or if it was code for something else."
People also get tripped up about when it's wise to switch modes of communication, says Will Schwalbe, who with David Shipley co-wrote "Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better" (Vintage Books, $14.95).
The default is often to communicate back in the same manner someone contacted you, but that is often a mistake, Schwalbe says. It's why a little tiff on e-mail can turn into a flame war.
"If someone sends you an e-mail that makes you furious, absolutely do not reply by e-mail," he says. "Pick up the phone, because if you reply by e-mail you will amp up the hostility level."
Similarly, call someone immediately if they are upset about a poorly worded e-mail or text that you have written.
If you are spending too much time with back-and- forth e-mails trying to get something explained, call or meet face-to-face, Schwalbe says.
Steer clear of sarcasm in your posts, because studies have shown that for every 10 sarcastic messages that are sent, at least one person won't get it and will take it at face value. Petulance or rage should also be avoided in tweets, in Facebook status updates, text and instant messaging because all those types of communication can be forwarded and saved.
Schwalbe is a big fan of using exclamation points in his electronic communications to convey his excitement. But he stays away from asking questions because they are often taken as criticisms in e-mails.
And the best advice for communicating? Cut each other some slack. A decade ago, few people were e-mailing. Now we communicate electronically hundreds of times a day. Mistakes are bound to happen.
"We may ruin relationships or burn a bridge without realizing it at all," Schwalbe says. "Be more thoughtful about the way we communicate with each other and take the extra minute to do it better. Then be more forgiving of people who don't do it so well."
Friday, June 25, 2010
Small Talk Wedding Series: How to be a Great Guest at a Wedding

Welcome back to The Fine Art of Small Talk wedding series. Hopefully you’ve read the first four wedding series installments - How To Interact With In-laws, Get the Wedding Party Properly Prepped to Talk, Get Your Toast in Tip Top Shape and Handle Your Receiving Line Like a Pro. It’s finally time to enjoy the wedding! But are you equipped with the skills to make the most of the marriage festivities?
Wedding parties and receptions can be a fun time to interact with old friends and celebrate with relatives, but if you don’t know many people it can be socially uncomfortable. Even if you do know a good majority of wedding guests, there are some reception rules to follow for maximum – and appropriate – fun:
1) Mix, mingle and move around. The best way to meet people and interact at weddings is to explore the different areas of the party to see where other like-minded people might be gathering. If you are rolling solo, see if there are any other singles mixing around the bar or mingling by the buffet, and strike up a conversation. Giving someone a compliment is always a great way to initiate a dialogue. Try, “I love your dress, that color looks great on you! I’m Stacey and I used to work with the bride. What’s your name?” And try to seal it with a handshake (if your hands aren’t full with food or drinks) to make it more personal. If you know several people at the wedding and spot some singles, make the grand gesture of going up to them and introducing yourself and possibly some others you know there.
2)Reach out to relatives. Often, one of the most uncomfortable things about attending a family member’s wedding is seeing all the relatives you haven’t seen in years. Although it may be somewhat awkward, it’s important to make a point of interacting with your relatives. Sure, your great Aunt Helen won’t be able to stop talking about “how much you’ve grown,” but connecting with family members, especially ones from out of town is part of the wedding celebration. Be prepared to tell relatives what you’ve been up to in your personal and professional life and direct similar questions to them. Before your know it, you’ll feel like family again!
3)Table talk. When seated at an assigned table, you should introduce yourself to everyone else at the table. The bride and groom put you at that table for a reason, so utilize the seating arrangement to get to know some of the other guests. Engage in conversation by finding out how the others know the bride and groom, where they are from and even their occupation. You could discover a love interest, new friend, or potential business contact.
4) Give thanks. As a guest at a wedding, you should make a point to introduce yourself to the bride and grooms’ families and express your thanks. If you can site a specific element of the wedding that stands out in your mind as memorable, include that in your conversation. Try: “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. I’m Harry and I work with your daughter. She’s a beautiful bride. Thank you for a spectacular evening. The photo booth was a fun touch. Congratulations to you both.”
5) Put a cork in it. Free booze at a wedding is always tempting, but limit yourself to a few drinks. You don’t need to get completely intoxicated to be social and gregarious. And you don’t want to be “that person” who is too drunk and making a scene. That doesn’t mean you can’t linger around the bar to meet and chat with others.
6)Have fun. The point of a wedding party is to have fun and celebrate with the newlyweds. So, eat, dance, partake in group activities and enjoy talking to familiar and unfamiliar people.
There are a lot of things to worry about when planning and attending a wedding. Interacting and socializing shouldn’t be one of them! Hopefully you’ve benefited from these full-proof talking tips that allow you to enjoy all the conversations leading up to and during your wedding. If you follow these tips, you and your guests will be able to focus on enjoying the big day!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Carly Fiorina’s Small Mindedness
Carly Fiorina, recently crowned Republican candidate for Senator of California, is already embroiled in controversy. Fiorina's camp shrugged off her dig at Barbara Boxer's hair ("so yesterday") and other catty comments as "early-morning small talk."
As a small talk expert and best selling author of The Fine Art of Small Talk (Hyperion), I am appalled. Fiorina's small mindedness isn’t the same thing as small talk. Ms. Fiorina needs to employ the old adage 'if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all'...especially when a microphone is in the vicinity! Wise politicians use small talk to develop relationships with the voter, volunteer and fundraiser to build a community of support. Ms. Fiorina is simply making a good case for why gossip and small mindedness cause damage to relationships!
As a small talk expert and best selling author of The Fine Art of Small Talk (Hyperion), I am appalled. Fiorina's small mindedness isn’t the same thing as small talk. Ms. Fiorina needs to employ the old adage 'if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all'...especially when a microphone is in the vicinity! Wise politicians use small talk to develop relationships with the voter, volunteer and fundraiser to build a community of support. Ms. Fiorina is simply making a good case for why gossip and small mindedness cause damage to relationships!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Small Talk Wedding Series: Handle Your Receiving Line Like a Pro

Welcome back to The Fine Art of Small Talk wedding series. Hopefully you’ve read the first three wedding series installments - How To Interact With In-laws, Get the Wedding Party Properly Prepped to Talk, and Get Your Toast in Tip Top Shape. Now it’s time to think about greeting and addressing your wedding guests.
The receiving line is a long-running tradition in which the couple and specific members of their families greet guests. It’s a simple way to transition the mood from ceremony to reception and make everyone feel comfortable and acknowledged. That being said there are some important rules to receiving.
1)The lineup. Experts have differing opinions about who partakes in the receiving line, but typically, it’s the mother of the bride, the bride, the groom and his mother (in that order depending on how formal you want to be). Often the fathers are nearby mingling with guests and making informal introductions. But, I think adding in the fathers, especially if they have a good amount of friends in attendance, is more than acceptable. Stepparents can be added in depending on your preference. Just try not to overwhelm your guests. It’s not about having the biggest NFL defensive line, here.
2)Keep it short and sweet. You should expect that it will take about 30-40 minutes for every 100 guests. That means about 20 seconds with each guest. Give a warm and genuine greeting and say the guest's name whenever you know it. Try, “Hi Bill and Pam. Thank you for sharing this day with us and being part of our wedding. You are wonderful friends. You know Keith.” And then usher them onward to your new husband. If you feel like you’re spending too much time with one person, let them know you’ll see them throughout the reception and catch up more then.
3)Introduce and initiate. It’s important as the bride or groom to make the introductions between your family and your guests. Say, “Hi Kathy! I’m so glad you could make it. This is Sam; you know my mom, Cindy; and this is Sam’s mother, Irene. This is Kathy, my college roommate. She flew in from Boston.” First names and relationship are the key points to get across. Ideally guests make it their responsibility to state their first name and how they know the bride and groom if not otherwise formally introduced.
4)Don’t guess the guests. The best way to avoid any embarrassing introduction moments is to study your guest list beforehand. Go through the attendees with your partner and look at pictures if possible. And, ask your parents to do the same. It will make the receiving line much more receivable.
5)No-Name game. There are bound to be a few people whose names you forget or miss. The best way to handle this is to just not say their name. Say, “It’s great to see you again. Thank you for coming. Be sure to say hello to Ted; he’ll be excited to see you.” Or create a signal letting your Mom know you forgot a name so she jumps in with a cue: "Honey, aren't you excited Jim and Martha joined us to celebrate? What great neighbors they are!"
6)Enjoy the compliments. In many instances you won’t even get a chance to say anything because guests will be complimenting how you look, how nice the ceremony was and how great the reception space is. So, just graciously say thank you and express your appreciation for them being in attendance.
7)Next! Of course your guests will be so excited to see you and want to chat for as long as possible. So, you really need to be the one moving the line along. You can both verbally and physically keep it going. While physically motioning them onto the next person in the receiving line and slowly turning back to the next person in line to see you, say, “Well, it’s great to see you and I look forward to talking more during the party.”
There are a lot of things to worry about when planning a wedding. Interacting and socializing shouldn’t be one of them! Over the next few months, I’ll continue to provide you with some full-proof talking tips so you can enjoy all the conversations leading up to and during your wedding. If you follow these tips, you and your guests will be able to focus on enjoying the big day and all the special moments along the way.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Small Talk Wedding Series: Get your Toast in Tip Top Shape

Welcome back to The Fine Art of Small Talk wedding series. Hopefully you’ve read the first two wedding series installments - How To Interact With In-laws and Get the Wedding Party Properly Prepped to Talk. You’ve learned some techniques for getting your families and wedding party talking and now it’s time to address the guests.
Toasts are an important part of a wedding. In a way, they can set the tone for the event, so delivery of a toast is paramount. Because many people fear public speaking, that look-at-me moment can be nerve-racking. Whether you’re planning a toast to your guests or you want to get your toast-givers up to toasting standards, there are some rules to a cheerful cheers. Here are some wedding toast tips to put you on top.
1) Do your homework. Know your audience. Who are they? What will they find touching or funny or inappropriate? Determine the duration of time allotted for your toast. Generally two minutes is an appropriate length of time, but try to stick to what the bride and groom have suggested. If a microphone is in the plan do sound checks before attendees arrive at the venue. All in all, know your assignment and deliver it well and timely.
2) Craft a fitting speech. Match the tone to the event, and then determine your message or theme. Jokes may be well-received at a bachelor party or bridal shower but not at the rehearsal or wedding dinner. You could joke that Molly and Paul met somewhat unconventionally, but not that Molly cyber-stalked him for a year. Always keep your goal in mind and how you would like your words to be remembered. Use your own words and speak from the heart to make it more meaningful. Remember that the focus is on the couple, not you. Be complimentary, sincere and mature. The point of a toast is to say something nice.
3) Practice makes perfect. Practice your toast several times. Rehearse it in front of a mirror. Ask your roommate to listen to it and give feedback. Aim to repeat your toast without notes. If you can, go to the event site and practice your toast, so you feel comfortable in the environment.
4) Attract audience attention. Either click glasses (being careful not to cause breakage) or even more effective: stand up and use eye contact to quiet your audience and get their attention. Create a presence where everyone can see you and pay attention.
5) Hold yourself confidently. Remain standing, put a smile on your face, maintain excellent posture, keep your body open (i.e. no crossed arms and feet just less than shoulder width apart) and hold a glass containing an appropriate beverage in one hand.
6) Connect with your audience. As you begin to deliver your toast look at the couple and then look across the audience, making eye contact with a few people throughout the crowd. This gives the appearance of addressing the entire crowd. As you mention names, like that of the bride and groom, look at them to make it feel warmer.
7) Be crystal clear. Speak slowly and deliberately so that you are easily understood. Use short silences to calm your nerves in the middle of your toast. Calculated pauses often contribute to a joke or touching moment, so don’t be afraid of a brief silence.
8) Close with class. Lift your glass and ask everyone to join you in toasting the couple at the end of your speech. An appropriate final phrase might be, “Cheers to the wonderful couple” or “Here’s to the journey.” Then, sip, don’t chug, from your glass.
Follow these tips and your toast will be the talk of the town (in a good way).
There are a lot of things to worry about when planning a wedding. Interacting and socializing shouldn’t be one of them! Over the next few months, I’ll continue to provide you with some full-proof talking tips so you can enjoy all the conversations leading up to and during your wedding. If you follow these tips, you and your guests will be able to focus on enjoying the big day and all the special moments along the way.
communication skills,
small talk,
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New Graduate Top Talk Tips to Land the Big Job

You did it! You graduated! You stayed up many late nights, caffeinated and cramming for calculus exams. You spent hours languishing over literary works in the library. And, you invested invaluable effort in understanding inertia and ions. It’s a huge accomplishment and you should enjoy your success. However, there are new opportunities knocking on your degree-decorated door. As tough as the current job market is and as challenging as the economy is, jobs are available. You may have the focus to search for a job or internship, but are you equipped with the communication skills to make the most of each interview? Are you the master of the skills required to land the job?
While you may have gained communication skills interacting in team sports or academic clubs, or at sorority and fraternity parties, entering the professional world requires a certain colloquial ability. If you want the job, you have to talk the talk. And, that doesn’t just mean answering some rehearsed interview questions; it means interacting with potential decision makers, building rapport, and following up on the relationship.
According to a new study from the Economic Policy Institute, the young adult labor force fell almost 6.5% in the past three years. Meaning, competition in the job market is more aggressive than ever. So, possessing more than just the requested requirements is imperative. What makes you more “hirable” than another candidate with comparable qualifications? It’s how you communicate and how conversationally comfortable you are and you make the interviewer(s). So, here are some conversation tips and rapport building techniques to get you to talk the job talk.
• Meet, greet and take a seat. That is, shake with a firm hand, introduce yourself confidently and sit down prepared to impress. Obviously your name should be known, but that does not prevent you from offering the gift of your name regardless: "Debra Fine, thank you for the opportunity to interview with you." Don’t forget to listen to how the interviewer introduces himself. Is he Jon or Jonathan or Mr. Wright? If it’s the latter, say, “Hello Mr. Wright, I’m Debra Fine and it’s nice to meet you.”
• Get physical. Making eye contact in an interview is one of the most important moves you can make. It says, “I’m confident and capable.” Use your convincing smile to show that you’re personable and friendly. With this physical activity you’ll have a winning formula for positive non-verbal communication.
• Listen loudly. In an interview, it’s important to listen to how the interviewer describes the job and listen to the questions being asked. Let the interviewer know you are actively listening by offering verbal cues such as: "That is interesting," or "Tell me more..."
• Speak sensibly and bookend with small talk. Begin and end your interview with small talk. Approach interviews prepared to talk about the industry, current events, the weekend and even the weather to prevent awkward moments or appearing distant. Don’t just answer inquisitions, elaborate on interview questions to show that you’re mature enough to have an adult conversation. If you get an opportunity, try to make a more personal bond. If an interviewer asks you where you grew up, say, “I’m originally from Dallas, Texas. What about you?” Or, if you’re asked about how your weekend was, reply with more than the cursory “good.” Make conversation and say, “I had a great weekend; I went to the new Impressionist exhibit at the museum. Have you had an opportunity to view it yet?” If you can draw a connection with this individual, and he/she with you, it will make your interview a bigger success.
• Don’t rely on digital dialogue skills. You may be extremely advanced at texting on your phone or networking on LinkedIn, but it’s critical that you aren’t just a technical device talker. Before an interview, practice calling your friends instead of texting them or meet in person for a more intimate conversation. Be particularly aware of your body language and tone since this is a 3-D interaction. For example, it’s easy to casually slouch when typing or texting, but when you’re engaging in a face-to-face conversation, you should sit straight up and in a professional position. And, instead of using slang or pop culture abbreviations as you would with your digital dialogue, use your most sophisticated vernacular.
• Interview the interviewer. Show the interviewer that you are groomed for sophisticated conversations by asking intelligent and thought provoking questions at the end of your interview. Use this time to ask how the decision maker originally got into marketing or what the interviewer’s career path has been.
• Snail mail a thank you. Before leaving an interview, get the interviewer’s business card. This will ensure you have the proper spelling of the individual’s name and also address. If there are multiple interviewers, be sure to collect all their cards. You’ll want to send a proper thank you note through the mail, not email, because your communication shouldn’t end when you leave the interview, and a personal note delivers a lasting positive impression.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Small Talk Wedding Series: Get the Wedding Party Properly Prepped to Talk

Welcome back to the The Fine Art of Small Talk wedding series. At this point you’ve probably met your in-laws and introduced your families. If not, be sure to reference part 1 of the series, How To Interact With In-laws.
While the first article focused on the bride and groom, in this installment, individuals who are part of the wedding party will learn how to best interact with each other and how to make the experience the most comfortable and enjoyable it can be.
It can be overwhelming to play such a critical part in someone’s big day – between the bridal shower, bachelor party, rehearsal dinner and actual wedding ceremony. Since brides and grooms often comprise their wedding parties from different components of their lives – family, childhood, college, work – it can be especially challenging to mix and mingle with different personalities all looking to be the bride’s best or the groom’s go-to guy.
Here are some tips to assist wedding party participants with meeting, talking and getting along.
1) Meet all party participants. If you’re the bride, groom, or maid of honor, provide some icebreakers, perhaps even a quick game to get everyone acquainted and more at ease. All the wedding events will be uncomfortable if you don’t meet the other attendants. If you aren’t formally introduced, make it a point to introduce yourself and explain how you know the bride or groom. Try, “Hi, I’m Rick. Dave and I grew up together in Ohio.” Do your best to remember everyone’s names by making mental notes of where they’re from or what they do.
2) Get to know the other bridesmaids or groomsmen. Chances are you’ll be spending a good amount of time with these individuals from showers to parties, so you’ll want to try to make as deep a connection as possible. Ask about their relationship with the bride and/or groom and get them to tell some personal stories. Try to draw similarities wherever possible. If you went to college in Boston and one of the other bridesmaids live in a Massachusetts suburb, talk about any overlapping experience.
3) Don’t compete. Everyone wants the engaged couple to feel loved and special in the events leading up to their wedding and on their big day, but don’t compete to be the best bridesmaid or greatest groomsman. The wedding party is just that…a party comprised of several individuals, so don’t compete for attention and try to speak to everyone equally. The idea is to be inclusive, not inconsiderate, of all the ladies and gents.
4) Be on your best behavior. Certain wedding events, say a bachelor party in Las Vegas, can quickly get out of hand. Shots may get the party started, but they also can lead to a bad end. Limit liquor so you can keep your cool and keep relationships intact before, during and after the wedding.
5) You’re not the boss. At the end of the day, the bride and groom have the final say in their wedding and everything leading up to it. Just because you’ve been named an attendant, doesn’t mean you get to make executive decisions and boss people around. If you feel left out of decisions because another individual is taking too much control, speak up. Say, “Kathy is my friend too, and I’d really like to help with this project.” Or, “Ben mentioned he wanted us to pick up his tux by noon, so we should adhere to his request.”
6) Talk to, but don’t make passes at other wedding party people. We all know that weddings and pre-wedding festivities are a common place to meet potential love interests. But keep the flirting frenzy to a minimum until after the wedding. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t converse; it just means you should establish banter boundaries.
7) Keep in touch. After the wedding, stay in communication with your new friends by sending an email or pictures of all the events. Even though you might all live in different places, electronic communication can be a great way to continue building relationships with fellow wedding participants.
There are a lot of things to worry about when planning a wedding. Interacting and socializing shouldn’t be one of them! Over the next few months, I’ll continue to provide you with some full-proof talking tips so you can enjoy all the conversations leading up to and during your wedding. If you follow these tips, you and your guests will be able to focus on enjoying the big day and all the special moments along the way.
small talk,
wedding party
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Small Talk Wedding Series: How to Interact with In-laws
Well, it’s officially wedding season! Over the next few months, I'll be sharing some small talk tips on all things wedding. From the bride and groom introducing the in-laws to being a best man giving a toast to being a guest at a reception, I'll provide you with all the conversation essentials to make wedding season special.
Ideally, this is a time that bonds families, reinforces friendships and marks a momentous right of passage. And it wouldn’t be right without a few uncomfortable social situations along the blissful way. This brings us to our first wedding installment...meeting the in-laws and introducing families.
So, you’re engaged. Congratulations! Now that you’re formally on the path to uniting kin, it’s time to meet your future family. Unless you’re high school sweethearts, you probably haven’t met each other’s parents and siblings. Even though you’re planning on being your perfect self during this encounter, having the right small talk ammo can be the key to setting off a great first impression.
When meeting your future in-laws, there are a few laws you need to live by.
1) Give a compliment. Tell your fiancé’s mom how much you like her shoes or her home. Or better yet, compliment her on the amazing son she raised whom you can’t wait to spend your life with. Compliments automatically make people feel more comfortable and can often be a launching pad for conversation.
2) Practice politeness. Politeness is paramount when interacting with your future in-laws. Generally, whatever you learned in kindergarten is a good rule to follow: share the speaking floor, say “please” and “thank you” and be respectful. If you don’t demonstrate manners at this meeting, your marriage could be a big mess.
3) Ask questions. This is a great opportunity to ask questions about the family’s history, traditions or specific values. Not only will you seem considerate for caring, you’ll gain some interesting insight into the person you’re marrying and be able to incorporate his family legacy into the wedding.
4) Stay on neutral topics. In your first meeting with your new family, don’t ramble on about your deep connection to some ancient and eccentric spiritual belief. By avoiding hot topics like religion and politics, the conversation will keep the mood light. That’s not to say you should hide who you are, but reserve those more comprehensive conversation topics for a more appropriate time.
5) Control your cocktails. Don’t let your drinking get out of hand when initially meeting in-laws (or throughout the entire wedding process). If everyone’s having a cocktail, slowly sip one graciously and leave it at that. Over-consuming can lead to bad behavior, inappropriate remarks and embarrassing conduct that you can’t take back. You want to be married forever, not leave a bad impression forever.
Now that you’ve aced meeting your in-laws, it’s time for both families to make an acquaintance. That means introducing your liberal, outspoken New York parents to your fiancé’s conservative, reserved Nebraska parents. Breathe. You’re about to get a few pointers to ensure the event is effortless.
1) Follow all of the above rules. They still apply and should throughout your entire wedding process.
2) Find common ground. Help your families discover commonalities. If you know both your dad and your fiancé’s dad love to fish. Say, “Hey, Dad, Mr. Johnson just got back from a deep-sea fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico.” Or tell your sister, who’s interested in attending Yale, that your fiancé’s brother just graduated from there and introduce them. It’s part of your job to facilitate conversations and make sure everyone is communicating.
3) Give a head’s up. Fill your family in on some interesting facts about your future family. Things like occupation, favorite hobbies and general likes and dislikes are a good place to start. If you provide them with some specific insights, they will be more equipped with conversation clues.
4) Follow up. After the meeting, send a thank you email to everyone and attach a picture or two. You’ll open up new lines of communication, giving everyone a chance to say anything they may have not had a chance to say. By tying up loose ends, you’ll feel more comfortable tying the knot.
There are a lot of things to worry about when planning a wedding. Talking shouldn’t be one of them! Over the next few months, I’ll provide you with some full-proof talking tips so you can enjoy all the conversations leading up to your wedding. If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to focus on enjoying your big day and all the magical moments along the way.
Ideally, this is a time that bonds families, reinforces friendships and marks a momentous right of passage. And it wouldn’t be right without a few uncomfortable social situations along the blissful way. This brings us to our first wedding installment...meeting the in-laws and introducing families.
So, you’re engaged. Congratulations! Now that you’re formally on the path to uniting kin, it’s time to meet your future family. Unless you’re high school sweethearts, you probably haven’t met each other’s parents and siblings. Even though you’re planning on being your perfect self during this encounter, having the right small talk ammo can be the key to setting off a great first impression.
When meeting your future in-laws, there are a few laws you need to live by.
1) Give a compliment. Tell your fiancé’s mom how much you like her shoes or her home. Or better yet, compliment her on the amazing son she raised whom you can’t wait to spend your life with. Compliments automatically make people feel more comfortable and can often be a launching pad for conversation.
2) Practice politeness. Politeness is paramount when interacting with your future in-laws. Generally, whatever you learned in kindergarten is a good rule to follow: share the speaking floor, say “please” and “thank you” and be respectful. If you don’t demonstrate manners at this meeting, your marriage could be a big mess.
3) Ask questions. This is a great opportunity to ask questions about the family’s history, traditions or specific values. Not only will you seem considerate for caring, you’ll gain some interesting insight into the person you’re marrying and be able to incorporate his family legacy into the wedding.
4) Stay on neutral topics. In your first meeting with your new family, don’t ramble on about your deep connection to some ancient and eccentric spiritual belief. By avoiding hot topics like religion and politics, the conversation will keep the mood light. That’s not to say you should hide who you are, but reserve those more comprehensive conversation topics for a more appropriate time.
5) Control your cocktails. Don’t let your drinking get out of hand when initially meeting in-laws (or throughout the entire wedding process). If everyone’s having a cocktail, slowly sip one graciously and leave it at that. Over-consuming can lead to bad behavior, inappropriate remarks and embarrassing conduct that you can’t take back. You want to be married forever, not leave a bad impression forever.
Now that you’ve aced meeting your in-laws, it’s time for both families to make an acquaintance. That means introducing your liberal, outspoken New York parents to your fiancé’s conservative, reserved Nebraska parents. Breathe. You’re about to get a few pointers to ensure the event is effortless.
1) Follow all of the above rules. They still apply and should throughout your entire wedding process.
2) Find common ground. Help your families discover commonalities. If you know both your dad and your fiancé’s dad love to fish. Say, “Hey, Dad, Mr. Johnson just got back from a deep-sea fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico.” Or tell your sister, who’s interested in attending Yale, that your fiancé’s brother just graduated from there and introduce them. It’s part of your job to facilitate conversations and make sure everyone is communicating.
3) Give a head’s up. Fill your family in on some interesting facts about your future family. Things like occupation, favorite hobbies and general likes and dislikes are a good place to start. If you provide them with some specific insights, they will be more equipped with conversation clues.
4) Follow up. After the meeting, send a thank you email to everyone and attach a picture or two. You’ll open up new lines of communication, giving everyone a chance to say anything they may have not had a chance to say. By tying up loose ends, you’ll feel more comfortable tying the knot.
There are a lot of things to worry about when planning a wedding. Talking shouldn’t be one of them! Over the next few months, I’ll provide you with some full-proof talking tips so you can enjoy all the conversations leading up to your wedding. If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to focus on enjoying your big day and all the magical moments along the way.

small talk,
Monday, March 29, 2010
Small Talk Hits a Small Speed Bump
Recently, small talk has hit a small speed bump. A newly released study by the Journal of Psychological Science has found that people who have more substantial, meaningful conversations are overall happier.
While I find the study interesting, my experience with small talk has been completely different. As a former engineer who had absolute disdain for small talk, I now have plenty of anecdotal evidence to support my thoughts on why small talk can be successful for building important relationships.
I agree with the study in the sense that your life cannot be comprised of only singular, small talk encounters and that that behavior could result in unhappiness. In order to avoid this, you can’t let the conversation stop with small talk. You have to let it advance into something more meaningful. Think of small talk as an appetizer before an entrée. As long as you don’t get full from the appetizer, you’ll eventually get to a meaty entrée and a productive relationship can be built. Most connected relationships – business, social or romantic – begin with small talk. Then, deeper conversations allow profound bonds to evolve.
If you are good at small talk and apply proper small talk strategies, you’ll be more equipped to transition into more meaningful conversation topics, thus leading to the formation of relationships. To be a good communicator and to be in a position to build relationships, small talk is essential. It’s no small matter.
While I find the study interesting, my experience with small talk has been completely different. As a former engineer who had absolute disdain for small talk, I now have plenty of anecdotal evidence to support my thoughts on why small talk can be successful for building important relationships.
I agree with the study in the sense that your life cannot be comprised of only singular, small talk encounters and that that behavior could result in unhappiness. In order to avoid this, you can’t let the conversation stop with small talk. You have to let it advance into something more meaningful. Think of small talk as an appetizer before an entrée. As long as you don’t get full from the appetizer, you’ll eventually get to a meaty entrée and a productive relationship can be built. Most connected relationships – business, social or romantic – begin with small talk. Then, deeper conversations allow profound bonds to evolve.
If you are good at small talk and apply proper small talk strategies, you’ll be more equipped to transition into more meaningful conversation topics, thus leading to the formation of relationships. To be a good communicator and to be in a position to build relationships, small talk is essential. It’s no small matter.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Small Talk for Successful Business Networking
Do you avoid talking to people in business settings? Do you dread receptions, banquets, and other business-related social events? Do you struggle to make meaningful, long-term connections at work? You’re not alone. Many of us are apprehensive about these situations, because most of us either hate entering rooms where we don’t know anyone or hate spending time with people we don’t know well. With a little practice and use of these helpful tips, you’ll be conversing at the water cooler effortlessly.
1) Introduce and initiate. Go ahead and initiate with a hello! Even if you recognize, or slightly know someone, re-introduce yourself. Be aware of how he introduces himself (you may know him as Charles, but maybe he goes by Chuck) and use his name throughout your interaction. This will help you remember it in the long run and also establish a personal connection. By taking ownership and initiating a conversation, you will feel more in control to drive the direction of the exchange.
For the rest of the steps on Small Talk for Successful Business Networking, please visit the full Wikihow article:
1) Introduce and initiate. Go ahead and initiate with a hello! Even if you recognize, or slightly know someone, re-introduce yourself. Be aware of how he introduces himself (you may know him as Charles, but maybe he goes by Chuck) and use his name throughout your interaction. This will help you remember it in the long run and also establish a personal connection. By taking ownership and initiating a conversation, you will feel more in control to drive the direction of the exchange.
For the rest of the steps on Small Talk for Successful Business Networking, please visit the full Wikihow article:
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